samedi 12 novembre 2016

Hydrométallurgie du Cuivre

Prix 30$

Extractive Metallurgy of Cobalt

this book focuses on the extractive metallurgy of cobalt which is rarely treated in a comprehensive manner as cobalt and cobalt-compounds are typically by-products of nickel and copper production.   Introductory chapters cover history, mineralogy, chemical properties as well as reserves and production statistics from 2008/2009.  Chapter 4 (Hydrometallurgie du cobalt) is one of the main chapters that includes the leaching behaviour of the element with respect to the form of cobalt feed highlighting the importance of oxidation-reduction reactions. There are references to leaching kinetic models and relevant chemical thermodynamic considerations along with a number of examples of industrial process flow diagrams. Impurity precipitation and solvent extraction are also included in this chapter in a similar style with examples of processing equipment.  Chapter 5 is a relatively brief chapter about cobalt-compound product precipitation ending with a summary table qualitatively ranking eight process features.  Chapters 6 and 7 address the electrowinning and electrorefining of cobalt respectively. Important fundamental and applied considerations are covered.  Chapter 8 is on the pyrometallurgy of cobalt with some description of hydrometallurgical refining options at the end. As with the hydrometallurgy chapter, a number of industrial flow diagrams are provided which is helpful.  Chapter 9 is about the final uses for cobalt which is shifting with increasing application for cobalt containing batteries.  The Metallurgie Extractive of Cobalt provides a good overview of cobalt from the primary sources to end-use with an emphasis on the metallurgical processing options of which there are quite a few. It is most relevant to metallurgical engineers interested in process development. I appreciated the insight provided into the African scene and picked up some useful references from the citations. 
Dr James Vaughan, Senior Lecturer in Hydrometallurgy, The University of Queensland, Australia, March 29, 2016

Price: 30$

lundi 21 mars 2016

Métallurgie Extractive du Zinc et des métaux associés

Le zinc, métal abondamment utilisé de nos jours, à une métallurgie complexe qui se partage d'une manière inégale entre la pyrométallurgie et l'hydrométallurgie qui, elle, est en plus grande proportion. On ne peut pas parler de zinc sans le plomb mais ce dernier fait partie d’un autre de nos ouvrages. Malgré cela, le zinc depuis ses minerais est accompagné de beaucoup d’autres métaux tels que le cadmium, le germanium, le gallium et l’indium pour ne citer que ceux-là qui sont des métaux dits stratégiques pour leurs intérêts industriels et militaires au point que parfois, des pays ne donnent ni leurs statistiques de production, ni même le mode de production appliqué afin d’en rester les seuls maîtres. Cet ouvrage parfaitement documenté décrit de manière pratique, scientifique et détaillée les moyens d'extraction de ce métal dont les usages le rendent quasi-indispensables. Il sera utile aux ingénieurs, scientifiques et étudiants désireux d'être renseignés sur les différentes voies existantes d'extraction du zinc. Cet ouvrage entre dans la collection de livres sur la métallurgie extractive publiés par l'auteur.

Roger Rumbu, Met. Eng., PPM.

Price: 30$